Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Feeds: 17ml.. Tolerating well... Woohoo!!
Vent settings... Good.. Rate has gone back down. Pressures are the same.. O2 still about the same..

Still slight edemic... She will probably get a dose of lasix tonight and I think that will take care of it.. But still not really clear on why she is swelling.. Maybe respiratory issues? Her kidneys seem to be fine. She looks about the same as she did yesterday so I guess that is good...

Alo was kind of irritating her today.. He was super excited about everything I guess and being kind of loud and she was making sure we knew she did not like it.. She has had a good day though and her night is going well also.

She was moved into a different warmer bed today because hers broke... It was not heating up..Bye Bye Giraffe bed... We will miss you

On with the pictures....

My poor bald baby :(


Courtney and Aybra


Nanny Fallon and Aybra


Me, Alo and Aybra


And leaning in for our close up


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